Callimome theon Walker, 1843:149, ♀.Floride orientale (leg. E. Doubleday et R. Forster). - Walker, 1846Walker, F. 1846. List of the specimens of Hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part I. - Chalcidites. London. 1-100. (distribution); Cresson, 1862Cresson, E.T. 1862. Catalogue of the described species of North American Hymenoptera (Continued from page 211.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 1 (8):227-238. (distribution); Ashmead, 1881Ashmead, W.H. 1881. Studies on the North American Chalcididae, with descriptions of new species from Florida [Paper No. 1]. Transactions of the American Entomological Society and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences 9:xxix-xxxv. (distribution); Howard, 1885Howard, L.O. 1885. Descriptions of North American Chalcididae from the collections of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and of Dr. C. V. Riley. Bulletin of the U. S. Department of Agriculture 5:3-47. (distribution); Ashmead, 1886Ashmead, W.H. 1886. Studies on the North American Chalcididae, with descriptions of new species from Florida. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 13:125-135. (distribution). - As Syntomaspis theon: - Dalla Torre, 1898Dalla Torre, C.G. 1898. Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus, V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae. Sumptibus Guilelmi Engelmann, VII + 598. (distribution). - As Torymus theon: - Burks, 1975Burks, B.D. 1975. The species of Chalcidoidea described from North America north of Mexico by Francis Walker (Hymenoptera). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology 32 (4):139-170. (distribution); Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 1. Symphyta and Apocrita (Parasitica). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1-1198. (distribution).